Gap International is a leadership consulting firm based outside of Philadelphia.

I joined in 2014 as their only in-house designer and helped to translate traditional in-person consulting into digital products while maintaining and executing marketing communications, brand guidelines, and editorial illustrations


The Performance Diagnostic Dashboard

Revealing an organization’s environment through data

The Performance Diagnostic is a survey-like tool administered to teams to measure and address the hidden team dynamics that directly impact execution and results within an organization. 5 factors are used to analyze the team’s relationship in 3 domainsthe relationship with their leaders, the relationships within the team itself, and the relationship with the organization itself.

It was our task to take the the raw data of the diagnostic and create a comprehensive dashboard for leaders to review the results of multiple teams across the organization.


Full View Approach

Reviewing the Data

Partnering with consultants, we found it was necessary to make sure each “data module” was visible at one time (aka minimal scrolling), so that team leaders and consultants can see and compare metrics across the domains. To achieve this, we decided to keep scrolling to a minimum, in order to maintain maximum impact of seeing the results all at once.


Color Me Informed,
Using Color to Compare Results

Between 1. overall scores2. the 3 overall domain scores, and 3. the factors scores of each domain, it was imperative that between the different views the team leaders could easily compare the results between the data modules and from screen to screen.

Using color identifiers and simple labeling structures further increased the ease of use.



Getting Sorted,
Team Distribution

Within the expanded view of the Team Distribution, leaders needed to be able to filter teams by their scores. For larger organizations, some leaders might be the direct or indirect leader of many teams. To narrow down their direct teams, we identified them with a location icon.

Additionally, by selecting the data charts, the team leader could also isolate teams by score


Genius Every Day Bundle

For the launch of Gap International’s newest program, Genius Every Day Bundle, we wanted to create excitement around the product during the week of the Leveraging Genius Conference.

The bundle is a combination of two products: Leveraging Genius Online (desktop application) and Genius Every Day (app program). The goal was for the executives at the conference to purchase the more-affordable bundle program  for their team members who couldn’t make it to the conference.

Creating a Story

Landing Page and Shopping Cart

Once we officially announced the new package at the conference, we wanted a place for our clients to access more information, experience the product, and give them the ability to purchase through the site.

I worked closely with the business leaders to construct a marketing site that was able to explain how the two products worked together while also highlighting their specific features and benefits.


Straight to their inbox

Announcement Emails

Right after the announcement was made at the conference, we wanted to send a follow-up email pushing them to the landing page. We created messaging for three groups: Current and past conference participants, and then after the conference, a mass email to all Gap International clients.

Email To Past Conference Participants


Email to All Conference Participants

Email to All Clients


The Definition of Genius Promotional Video

To promote the yearly Leveraging Genius Conference, we wanted to create a light-touch video for social media that could speak to and intrigue a large audience.

We were inspired to tell the story of how the word “genius” was defined through the ages, ending with the Gap International theory of the word. Taking our identifiable Genius conference icon and animating it through an abstract idea of the path to Genius was a simple and effective way to engage existing and potential audiences.

A selection of illustrative work for Gap’s Institute articles, Forbes Brandvoice, and more